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Friday, 28 May 2010


A close friend of mine suffers with a condition called Brachymetatarsia. For those of you who have never heard of this, here is a brief summary.

The condition is basically a single toe, that starts further up the foot than the others. It is caused by a bone being too short in the foot. This condition can cause extreme embarrassment to some who suffer, leading to self confidence issues. Some feel the need to cover there feet at all times, some even opt for painful surgery to place the toe in a more 'normal' place. However not my friend, who lets it all hang out, after all, Brachymetatarsia is a facinating and rare thing.

Hollywood actress, Jennifer Garner, also has Brachymetatarsia. (See above)

Having a toe like this is a gift, it's my all time favourite party trick. Seeing peoples drunken faces light up with delight as the wrath of the toe is unleashed. However, It is described as a deformity, and sufferers must 'free themseleves from years of bondage', according to cosmetic surgeons.

Well i'm sorry, but these toes are much appreciated, and people shouldn't feel like they need to change themseleves in any way. And yes, for those of you wondering, there is such a thing as a Brachymetatarsia fetish, some people go crazy for it, Seriously, google it.

See my friends foot above, she prides her epic toe.

I hope from this entry you have gained a fair knowledge and appreciation for brachymetatarsia. And if you have this condition yourself, don't be afraid to show that tasty toe!

Show your support and join a group dedicated to my friends toe on facebook!!/group.php?gid=129450587067889&ref=ts

Thanks for reading!


  1. You're damn right I love my toe!
    I think it's hilarious, and it doesn't affect my life negatively in any way!
    (Except I can't wear toe socks or certain types of dolly shoes... But who cares?)
    To all those who "suffer" from this "condition", get your arses down to the shoe shop and buy some sandals! Be proud of your digits!
    Mine have caused many delightful conversations, shocked and amused many people, which I love to do.
    I wouldn't change my foot for all the world!

  2. Hi, I'm 15 years old.. I have this similar condition on my right foot and on the left, my 3rd and 4th toes are short... I actually found out what it's called now.. It's really hard to deal with it, I usually avoid showing my feet to anyone since I was made fun of when I was younger.. I still am embarrassed of my feet, IDK what to do!

    1. do you have a pic of your feet dear...?

  3. Hi, thanks for this post. I have this condition and I've always avoided showing it. I've bought my first pair of flipflops last year... I was 29! Only now I'm starting to care less about what people think, but for 30 years I've lived with the obsession of people saying "what crazy feet you have!".
    3 years ago I had ankle surgery. When the orthopedic surgeon saw my foot exclaimed "hell what have you done to that toe?"
    Here this condition is poorely known and very difficoult to live with. :(

  4. I was also born with brachymetatarsia on my left foot. My little toe is identical to Jennifer Garner's and I also hid my toe for way too many years and actually had surgery on it to try and make it normal but the surgery was not successfull. I now embrace my goofy little toe and don't hide it at all anymore!

  5. I, too,suffer with brachymetatarsia in my left toe. I do wear flip flops, but sometimes I am embarrassed when people look and I do hide them at times.

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  8. I, too,suffer with brachymetatarsia in my left toe. I do wear flip flops, but sometimes I am embarrassed when people look and I do hide them at times.

  9. I, too,suffer with brachymetatarsia in my left toe. I do wear flip flops, but sometimes I am embarrassed when people look and I do hide them at times.
